Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Van Nuys

Understanding The Statute Of Limitations

A statute of limitations refers to the time period in which a person can be charged with a crime they committed. This period of time may start either the moment the crime was committed or when it was discovered that this crime was committed. Statute of limitations will be different according to different crimes, situations, […]

‘Reasonable Suspicion’ And ‘Probable Cause’ Are Not Quite The Same Thing

It’s important for you, as a citizen, to understand the difference between “reasonable suspicion” and “probable cause”. For you, it’s so you know your rights and protections. For the police, it’s what they rely on when deciding to make an arrest, conduct a search, for question a person. Reasonable suspicion is when officers have the […]

Wet Weather Driving Tips – Bring On El Nino!

Everyone is preparing for El Nino by repairing their roofs and sealing up cracks. But have you considered reading up on driving tips for wet weather? A thing you might want to avoid is getting pulled over, getting in an accident, and/ or getting arrested in the middle of pouring rain. So, please pay attention […]

Be “Nice” This Holiday Season By Being A Bail Bond Store Co-Signer For Your Loved One

“Tis the season”! It’s the season and that time of year that we should all look back and reflect on whether we’ve been naughty or nice this year. We all have good days and bad days but regardless of that ratio, there is still time to do more good and be nice this year, very […]

About Those Criminal Background Checks…

After filling out all sorts of forms and applications (universities, jobs, loans, credit cards, housing, etc.), you have definitely noticed the part where it asks if you have a criminal record and/ or have ever been arrested. Ever wonder how often they check; or what they can see on criminal records? Not everyone will run […]