Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Van Nuys

Arrest Situations For Immigrants

If you know someone who is an immigrant to the United States and has just been arrested, you should know that they are facing a tough situation. However, they are not completely defeated. Here’s what you should know: They have the right to a lawyer, and that lawyer does not have to be government-provided council. […]

About Kaitlyn’s Law

‘Kaitlyn Russell’ was a six month old infant who died after she was left alone in a parked car for over two hours. Her unfortunate death is the force behind “Kaitlyn’s Law”, which makes it illegal for a child 6 years of age or younger to be left unsupervised by anyone who is not at […]

Reporting Crimes: Required or Moral Obligation?

Did you know that if you witness a crime, you are not legally obligated to report it to authorities or to intervene? Of course, morally, it’s considered the right thing to do, but you wouldn’t be held legally responsible if you didn’t. These are circumstantial dilemmas and there are some instances where some people may […]

An Example Of A False Report

Not only is it under-whelming, but it’s also very disappointing, that there are still a number of people in prison who have been wrongly convicted of a crime. A person could feasibly be incarcerated right now just because investigators were too lazy, the jury was corrupted, racist, sexist, the technology to test DNA and the […]

Lying Always Gets You Into Trouble

Lying to the police and making a false report is a crime. Making a mistake by telling the police one thing, then remembering it’s another thing, is different and not considered a crime. For example, describing the getaway car in a crime that you happened to witness as red in color when you definitely know […]