Category Archives: Bail Bonds in South Los Angeles

Your Tax Return = a Bail Bond Contribution

Encino Bail Bond Store

If you are helping your loved one by paying for their bail bond, they are putting a lot of trust in you to not fall behind or miss a payment. In return, you’re also putting a lot of trust in them to make it to their court appointments and stay out of trouble. Paying for […]

Instead of Drinking and Driving…

Canoga Park Bail Bond Store

We hate to boast, but California is quite a lively state and is filled with plenty of day and night activities. The cities, towns, clubs, bars, and beaches all share one rule: drinking and driving is a no-no. Today, with the many transportation options out there, there really is no excuse. You can designate a […]

Burbank Bail Bond Store is Committed to You

Burbank Bail Bond Store

30 years ago, the founding family here at Burbank Bail Bond Store sat down and laid out a set of values, goals, and a mission. Today, we continue to believe in these same fundamentals that have not only brought our business success, but have also brought our clients relief, freedom from stress and pain, and […]

CA May Become the First Sanctuary State

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

California is one step closer to becoming America’s first “sanctuary state.” The country already has 300+ sanctuary cities that vow to protect undocumented immigrants from deportation and help them find security. California’s senate advanced bills that would create a statewide sanctuary for undocumented immigrants. It is estimated that some 2.3 million illegal immigrants live in […]

A False Reports is a Crime in Itself

Montebello Bail Bond Store

In California, as well as in many other states, a person is not legally obligated to report a crime if they witness one. It is a Good Samaritan act to do so, but it is not required. They also would not get in trouble for not intervening in the crime they are witnessing. However, if […]