Category Archives: Bail Bonds in South Los Angeles

What’s Worse than a DUI? A DUI While Underage.

What’s Worse than a DUI? A DUI While Underage.

Most people recognize the fact that driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a bad idea. Unfortunately, there are still people out there who do not understand this concept, and many of them are underage. Young drivers are still learning how serious all of their actions behind the wheel of the car are. […]

Would You Get Behind the Wheel of a Vehicle While High? Well, California Teens Are

Would You Get Behind the Wheel of a Vehicle While High? Well, California Teens Are

Just about every driver out there knows about DUI’s and how they should never drive while intoxicated with alcohol. However, what many people fail to realize, is that there was a reason the term was switched from DWI, driving while intoxicated, to DUI, Driving under the influence. DUI is a broader term that covers driving […]

Nonverbal Communication You Need to be Aware Of

Nonverbal Communication You Need to be Aware Of

Communicating with people can be challenging at times. Communicating with others involves more than just words. There are messages that can be nonverbal or verbal. Most people aren’t even aware that they’re communicating a nonverbal message to others when having a conversation. Being aware of nonverbal messages that you may be sending to those around […]

What is Love?

What is Love?

We, as a society, are obsessed with love. Love is everything, and is connected to the meaning of life, yet how do we define it? Places all over the world have different descriptions for it. Even in languages there are different meanings for the simple word. According to Google, love is an intense feeling of […]

Did You Know You Can Track Santa?

Did You Know You Can Track Santa?

Old Saint Nick is coming to town this holiday season. He’s checking his list, and he’s going to be taking a trip around the world to deliver presents. With the help of modern technology we can now track Santa Claus as he makes his journey. Google has a fun, interactive way to keep tabs on […]