Category Archives: Bail Bonds in South Los Angeles

Is It Legal for Your Child to Trick-or-Treat?

Is It Legal for Your Child to Trick-or-Treat?

Everyone knows that kids love Halloween because it allows them to go trick-or-treating, thereby allowing them to get a bag-load of candy for free. It’s every kids’ sweetest dream, and every parent’s sugar-fueled nightmare. While the practice of trick-or-treating on Halloween may be a relatively new tradition in the grand scheme of things, it is […]

Park Here, Not There

Park Here, Not There

The summer season is upon us, which can only mean one thing – an influx of traffic stemming from tourists, family vacations, and gorgeous weather. As you and your family embark on summertime adventures, we want to help ensure your trips are memorable for all the right reasons, and not because of parking violations that […]

DMV on Saturday: God Exists and Here is the Proof

DMV on Saturday: God Exists and Here is the Proof

The California Department of Motorized Vehicles (DMV) has answered our cries and are finally tossing us a bone. They’re providing relief from being stuck at work all day then being stuck in line at the DMV. We no longer have to rush over to the DMV before it closes during the week. The California DMV […]

Do You Care about Bullying? You Need to if You Want to See It Disappear

Do You Care about Bullying? You Need to if You Want to See It Disappear.

So many of the problems out there in the world could be fixed if people just cared for one another a little bit more. If people were more considerate and open-minded toward one another, then there would be less hurt feelings. One of the best ways to achieve this goal, is to get rid of […]

Do You Want to Keep Your Teen Safe? Teach Them How to Avoid Speeding

Do You Want to Keep Your Teen Safe? Teach Them How to Avoid Speeding.

Speeding is something that every driver has been guilty of at least once. We have all had days where our patience ran thin and we found ourselves rushing to get home as quickly as possible. We know doing so is a bad idea, and yet we did it anyways. Speeding puts drivers at an increased […]