Category Archives: Bail Bonds in South Los Angeles

Halloween Safety Tips

los angeles bail bond store halloween safety tips

October is here, and all anyone can think about is the holiday of Halloween at the end of the month. Kids love getting dressed in fun costumes and trick-or-treating for bags full of candy. Meanwhile, adults enjoy dressing up as well, but they have parties to get to instead of wandering door to door hunting […]

Tagging and Graffiti Laws Here in California

tagging and graffiti laws in california

Tgging and graffiti are two things that most people have seen, especially if they live in an urban area. Pretty much every large city in the country is littered with graffiti and other signs of tagging. A lot of times, these random markings can make signs unreadable, and change the look of the city for […]

Do You Know What to Do When a Traffic Light Stops Working?

los angeles bail bond store traffic lights blackout

NWith all of the technology around us that helps keep the world running, it can be hard to imagine what things used to be like before that tech existed. How could people have lived without all of this amazing stuff? Well, every once in a while we get to find out. As amazing as all […]

Don’t Let Road Rage Ruin Your Life

driving mad los angeles bail bond store

With summer in full swing, people from all over the state of California, and the rest of the country, are busy enjoying their summer vacation. While this is fun for a lot of people, the trips can be a bit taxing. Nobody likes to be stuck in a car for extended periods of time. Doing […]

How Does California Define Trespassing?

no trespassing los angeles bail bond store

Sometimes, it can be fun to go out and explore new areas. A person never knows what they may stumble upon while exploring the unknown. However, a person needs to be careful. They don’t want to wander onto someone else’s property. That would be trespassing, and can get the person into some legal trouble if […]