Category Archives: Bail Bonds in North Los Angeles

What is Child Endangerment and What Are the Consequences?


Everyone wants to provide their child with a good and safe life, but sometimes things go sideways and you find yourself facing child endangerment charges. Being charged with child endangerment in California means that the police suspect you’ve violated Penal Code 273a PC. This code is what lawmakers put together as a legal reference for […]

Consequences Of Aggravated Trespass in California


Most people don’t know that there’s such a thing as aggravated trespass in California until they see it’s one of the criminal charges they’re facing. Aggravated felony trespass is addressed in Penal Code 601 PC. The fact that you’re facing an aggravated trespass charge indicates the police have gathered evidence that suggests you threatened to […]

Down Powerline Safety tips


There are a variety of ways a power line can come down including severe winds, natural disasters, and even an auto accident. The reason the power line is down isn’t important. The important part is knowing how to stay safe when you find a downed power line. Don’t assume that just because the downed power […]

The Unlawful Taking of Pictures and Video Recording


Thanks to built-in cameras on smartphones, most of us have a camera at our disposal 24/7. We’re able to record everything. We use the phone camera for selfies, points of interest, and to record the actions of others. We’ve grown so accustomed to taking photos and videos of everything that we rarely stop and think […]

Probation and Parole. What’s the Difference?


If you’re confused about the difference between probation and parole, you’re not alone. Most people don’t really know what the difference is between the two until they get into trouble with the law. While you’re on probation, you’re still technically in police custody, but you have a great deal more freedom than you’d enjoy if […]