Category Archives: Bail Bonds in North Los Angeles

Being Safe This Halloween

Be Safe This Halloween

There are certain holidays that just call for parties, and Halloween is one of those days. While kids are out trick-or-treating in search of candy, adults are out partying with friends. While there will still likely be some candy at these parties, most adults have upgraded to something different. Many adults will be consuming alcohol […]

What’s in Your Kid’s Halloween Candy?

What’s in Your Kid’s Halloween Candy?

Every year, as Halloween rolls around, people begin seeing articles about how they can keep their kids safe during the holiday. One of the big topics is being sure to check kids’ Halloween candy for any tampering before allowing the kid to eat it. Unfortunately, there are people out there who think it’s fun or […]

Sorry Kids, No Sleeping in for You

Sorry Kids, No Sleeping in for You

Any child will tell you, and most parents would agree, that you have to get up pretty early if you want to get to school on time. If the student was up late the night before doing homework, which since the average high schooler has about 3.5 hours of every weeknight, is a very common […]

Beat the Heat, Save Some Cash

Beat the Heat, Save Some Cash

If you’ve been living in California for any amount of time then it should come as no surprise that it was ranked as the third most expensive place to live in the United States, this according to a 2017 article published by CNBC. While California may be known as the Golden State, that doesn’t mean […]

Park Here, Not There

Park Here, Not There

The summer season is upon us, which can only mean one thing – an influx of traffic stemming from tourists, family vacations, and gorgeous weather. As you and your family embark on summertime adventures, we want to help ensure your trips are memorable for all the right reasons, and not because of parking violations that […]