Category Archives: Bail Bonds in North Los Angeles

Vandalism Is Not a Small Crime

Vandalism Is Not a Small Crime

To some people, vandalism is one of those crimes that doesn’t seem like a very big deal. To them, what does it matter if they damaged somebody else’s property? Well, it is actually a very big deal, and vandalism charges can come with some hefty consequences. This is what one California man just learned the […]

Who Can and Cannot Vote in the US

Who Can and Cannot Vote in the US

Election Day has come and gone. Hopefully, everyone did their part and voted for what they believe in. It is everyone’s civic duty to vote and ensure that their voice is heard. That is the only way that change can be inspired. While voting is very important, not everyone is allowed to vote. To get […]

How Do I Stop Someone From Breaking Into My Car?

How Do I Stop Someone From Breaking Into My Car?

With the holidays finally here, everyone will be out and about doing a bit of holiday shopping in an attempt to find the perfect gifts for their loved ones. Now, finding the right gift for someone can be difficult, but it is possible. However, hiding a gift can be even more difficult. This is especially […]

An Easy Way to Report Tips Anonymously

An Easy Way to Report Tips Anonymously

Often times, when it comes to reporting crimes, people are afraid to do so. There is a fear that by doing so, something bad will happen to them. That is why many law enforcement agencies have worked to create ways for people to contact them anonymously. This way, the agencies can still get the information […]

Cell Phone Use While Driving Is Dangerous

Cell Phone Use While Driving Is Dangerous

Even with all of the PSA’s out there, there are still some drivers who think it is okay to talk on their cell phone while driving. It is still a common enough practice that you can see at least once a day. However, driving while talking on a cell phone without a hands-free device is […]