Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Lynwood

What is Bail and Who Does it Apply To?

South LA Bail Bond Store

Bail and bail bonds exist for the purpose of releasing a recently arrested person from jail. This person can then return home, to work, and can get back into as normal of a daily routine as possible. However, they will need to adjust their schedule to accommodate court dates and any other court-mandated appearances like […]

What Happens When an Innocent Person Lands in Jail

San Fernando Valley Bail Bond Store

The justice system is not 100% flawless. Unfortunately, there are cases where a convicted person is actually innocent of the crime and was wrongly accused. There are a number of reasons a person can be wrongly accused, which include a lack of evidence, tampered evidence and witnesses, setting another person up for the crime, and […]

California Laws That Just Do Not Make Sense, At All

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Welcome to California where the sun is always golden, the beach is always waving, and the people… are still wondering why it is illegal for a car, without a driver, to exceed 60 miles per hour? By this law alone, then it would be legal for a car, without a driver, to be cruising at […]

What You Can Use as Bail Bond Collateral

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Collateral is a term used to cover something that is pledged as security for repayment of a loan. Collateral is forfeited in the event that the original payment for the loan does not occur. You may be familiar with the concept of collateral for bank financing purposes, but did you know that it is also […]

What Car Modifications are and are Not Legal

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Car enthusiasts value their vehicles more than many other things in their lives; it is a prized possession. These people will not hesitate to keep spending money on their car(s) to upgrade, modify, and personalize it to their liking. These modifications can include tinted windows, car wraps, and new exhaust pipes. However, they can only […]