Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Lynwood

Do You Care about Bullying? You Need to if You Want to See It Disappear

Do You Care about Bullying? You Need to if You Want to See It Disappear.

So many of the problems out there in the world could be fixed if people just cared for one another a little bit more. If people were more considerate and open-minded toward one another, then there would be less hurt feelings. One of the best ways to achieve this goal, is to get rid of […]

Do Video Games Lead to Violence: Don’t Hate the Game, Hate the Lack of Communication?

Do Video Games Lead to Violence: Don’t Hate the Game, Hate the Lack of Communication?

Hate crimes, violence, and negatives attitudes seem to be a dime a dozen. In a victim and attacker society, we often look for who is to blame. The story usually goes: Find whose fault it is Shame them into acting how society believes they should act Act surprised when it doesn’t work Repeat Whatever side […]

Gun Control Rallies: What Lies Ahead for Schools?

Gun Control Rallies: What Lies Ahead for Schools?

The recent school shooting in Parkland Florida on Valentine’s Day has left this nation scrambling. Scrambling to get governments, local, state and federal, to do anything in the hope of preventing another school shooting. Our nation is far too used to hearing about tragedies like this in the news. Events like this make you worry […]

What Are Conjugal Visits?

What Are Conjugal Visits?

Romance is in the air. Cupid’s bow is pointed, and you’re the target. The problem is that your loved one is currently in jail. It looks like you’ll be spending the holiday with yourself. If you want to avoid that, you have two options: you can setup a conjugal visit, or bail your loved one […]

Nonverbal Communication You Need to be Aware Of

Nonverbal Communication You Need to be Aware Of

Communicating with people can be challenging at times. Communicating with others involves more than just words. There are messages that can be nonverbal or verbal. Most people aren’t even aware that they’re communicating a nonverbal message to others when having a conversation. Being aware of nonverbal messages that you may be sending to those around […]