Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Lynwood

Don’t Get a DUI on New Year’s Eve

los angeles bail bond store dui on new years eve

As this year draws to a close, pretty much everyone is planning out how they are going to celebrate. Parties will be happening all over the world and deciding which party to go to can be a daunting task. Luckily, the end results are pretty fun, provided a person doesn’t make any bad decisions. As […]

Parking in Front of a Fire Hydrant

los angeles bail bond store parking in front of a fire hydrant

Any driver that lives in a city knows the hassle of finding a decent parking spot. This gets incredibly difficult in highly populated areas, such as cities, or even at popular spots in rural areas. If there is someplace that a lot of people want to go to, it is safe to assume that parking […]

California Restraining Orders

los angeles bail bond store california restraining orders

Everyone just wants to feel safe. Unfortunately, some people meet someone that does not let them feel safe when they are near. In some cases, just putting some distance between that other person is enough to get them to leave the other alone. Unfortunately, not everyone can take the hint. Sometimes the person continues to […]

California Shoplifting Laws

los angeles bail bond store minors breaking the law

Pretty much everyone has heard of the crime of shoplifting. The crime is often featured in various television shows, especially when teens are present. Despite how it is often portrayed on the screen, shoplifting can be performed by anyone at any age. The act of shoplifting is a pretty common crime here in California, despite […]

What Are the Laws about Marijuana in California?

los angeles bail bond store marijuana laws

Proposition 64 was passed by voters in November 2016. This set the groundwork for the recreational use of marijuana to become legal in the state on January 1st, 2018. This changed up how marijuana could be used in the state, and removed many of the penalties for smaller marijuana based offenses. However, it did not […]