Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Lynwood

Bail Is Easier With Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Trust us when we say that that dealing with a loved one’s arrest is no easy feat. You can be the richest, smartest person in the world, and yet still have an internal struggle with such an issue. If you think it is hard for you to deal with, think about how hard it is […]

Worried About Your Upcoming Background Check?

In applying for a loan, a job, or an apartment, you are pretty familiar with the interview and background check process. It is a long waiting game for you to be cleared and given the thumbs up. Have you ever wondered what banks, employers, and landlords look at during the background check? Do you have […]

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Is a Name You Can Rely On

Friends tend to come and go and with that, so does trust and reliability. Friends who grow apart may not consider each other to be the person who will bail them out of jail years from now. Current good friends also may not want to be the ones you go to and there is no […]

Millennials, Social Media, and Jail

Hey all you social media-loving millennials with quick-texting fingers! How thoughtful are you when it comes to posting content on your personal social media sites like ‘Facebook’, ‘Twitter’, ‘Instagram’, and ‘Snapchat’? Are you as careful about posting content as you are about publishing private information like personal address and phone number online? Did you know […]

Weird Laws in California That You Can Be Arrested For

You may think that California is all ideal beaches, beautiful sunshine, and has nothing odd to it, but trust us. At Echo Park Bail Bond Store, we know that there is plenty weird to California. Having worked in the bail bond industry for nearly 30 years, and understanding the legal processes, we have definitely seen […]