Category Archives: Bail Bonds in LosAngeles

Boating While Under the Influence in California


Everyone knows about the dangers and legal consequences of driving while under the influence, but we have a tendency to get lax when it comes to other situations. For example, while most of us would never dream of getting behind the wheel of our car after we’ve had a few beers, we have no hesitation […]

Telemarketer Fraud


If you hate telemarketers, you’re not alone. Legal Beagle reported that in 2017, Bank my Cell conducted a survey that revealed that out of 1,200 people, 75% of them actively avoided calls that they knew were from telemarketers. 85% of the people who responded to the survey reported that even the thought of dealing with […]

Leaving Kids in Hot Cars in California


Kids and hot cars are never a good combination. Everyone knows that, yet there is still an average of 38 children who die each year after they’re locked into a hot car. In all fairness, nearly all of these cases are an accident. The child is strapped into their car seat in the back of […]

Leaving Pets in Hot Cars in California


Dogs love their owners and want to be with them all the time. In an attempt to keep our dogs happy, many of us take them with us when we run errands. On cold days, this isn’t an issue, but now that we’re on the cusp of summer, it will be a while before Californians […]

Failing to Properly Register Your Vehicle


To legally operate a car in the State of California, you need a few things. You need a valid driver’s license, you need to have the car properly insured, and the vehicle’s state registration needs to be complete. Both the insurance and registration can be expensive, especially when money is already tight. While most motorists […]