Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

Art of Bailing Out of Jail

East Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Bailing out of jail is a task that is less complex than most people think, and it is certainly a stress reliever as well. It requires a little bit of research, professional help, money, and a lot of moral support and strength. Here is what it takes to bail a person out of jail. Hiring […]

Get Ahead on Bail Bond Payments Using Your Tax Returns

Downtown Bail Bond Store

Tax returns are treated like free money. Most people either put it into their savings account, or treat themselves to something nice. Some people may choose to use it to pay off a bail bond, which is definitely acceptable. A part of what makes bail bonds more flexible and a more ideal alternative to paying […]

The Right to Bail is Yours

Compton Bail Bond Store

When someone is arrested, it is because they are being accused of doing something illegal. They broke the rules and need to be punished. It is easy to think that the odds are stacked against them, but this isn’t always true. After all, even arrestees and defendants have rights to protect themselves, and they have […]

The Benefits to Bail Bonds

Westwood Bail Bond Store

People associate bail bonds with crime, dangerous people, and jail. All of which, are negative thoughts. At Westwood Bail Bond Store, we understand this. However, it is one of our goals to help you see otherwise. We are here to help bail defendants out of jail and to show why this is a good thing. […]

How to Get Out of Jail

Melrose Bail Bond Store

In the justice system, “arraignment” is when a defendant, stands before a judge for the first time. This is not part of the trial. Arraignment occurs after the arrest and booking process, but before the trial. This is when the defendant is formally charged for a crime and the judge decides the defendant’s immediate fate. […]