Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

Are You Prepared for a Loved One’s Arrest?

LA Bail Bond Store

Have you ever considered what you would do if one of your friends or family members got arrested? If you are like most people, you probably have not. Most people never think that a loved one could get arrested. Unfortunately, thousands of people are arrested daily in California, and chances are they were not prepared […]

An Arrest Can be Devastating

LA Bail Bond Store

The human mind is an extremely interesting thing. Our minds can often react to things in ways we didn’t expect. While we may feel or appear fine, our subconscious can be freaking out. This is definitely true if we are in a stressful situation, like getting arrested. During the actual event, it will be pretty […]

About California’s Three Strikes Law

LA Bail Bond Store

California has a so-called “Three Strikes” law that was introduced in 1994. Think of this like the “three strikes, you are out” mantra that goes with baseball. A player has 3 chances to hit the ball. If they get three strikes, they are out. This Three Strikes law concerns convicted felons. If the convicted felon […]

Is Ticket Scalping Legal?

LA Bail Bond Store

Ticket scalping is when a person resells their ticket to an event, like a concert or a sporting event, to another person. The purchaser does not buy the ticket directly from the event itself, but rather goes to someone who already owns a ticket to the event, but is looking to get rid of it. […]

Fireworks Safety Tips

LA Bail Bond Store

Independence Day still seems like a way’s off, but there are people who are already gearing up for the day that will be filled with BBQ food, drinks, and fireworks. Those are three essentials to almost every 4th of July party and you can bet people are already starting to make plans with friends and […]