Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

Do Video Games Lead to Violence: Don’t Hate the Game, Hate the Lack of Communication?

Do Video Games Lead to Violence: Don’t Hate the Game, Hate the Lack of Communication?

Hate crimes, violence, and negatives attitudes seem to be a dime a dozen. In a victim and attacker society, we often look for who is to blame. The story usually goes: Find whose fault it is Shame them into acting how society believes they should act Act surprised when it doesn’t work Repeat Whatever side […]

Gun Control Rallies: What Lies Ahead for Schools?

Gun Control Rallies: What Lies Ahead for Schools?

The recent school shooting in Parkland Florida on Valentine’s Day has left this nation scrambling. Scrambling to get governments, local, state and federal, to do anything in the hope of preventing another school shooting. Our nation is far too used to hearing about tragedies like this in the news. Events like this make you worry […]

How to Recognize Dangerous Flu Symptoms

How to Recognize Dangerous Flu Symptoms

There are all kinds of people out there in the world, and all of them have their own believes and views. Some of them make sense, and others are just plain bizarre. Every once in a while, you hear of a belief that just seems too crazy to be true. For instance, some people think […]

Use Your Tax Return to Post Bail

Use Your Tax Return to Post Bail

It’s that time of the year again where everyone needs to sit down and file their taxes. Some people may be receiving a very sizable check from the government after doing that. This leaves many with the enviable problem of having money to send, and no idea what to do with it. Of course, the […]

Coffee Myths/Benefits

Coffee Myths/Benefits

We Americans live for our morning cup of coffee. Java has become an essential part of waking up for most people. That cup of joe brings happiness, and life to even the crankiest of people. Over the years there have been plenty of studies questioning whether or not coffee is good for you. There also […]