Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

Be Responsible This Halloween

Be Responsible This Halloween

What’s in Your Kid’s Halloween Candy?

What’s in Your Kid’s Halloween Candy?

Every year, as Halloween rolls around, people begin seeing articles about how they can keep their kids safe during the holiday. One of the big topics is being sure to check kids’ Halloween candy for any tampering before allowing the kid to eat it. Unfortunately, there are people out there who think it’s fun or […]

Sorry Kids, No Sleeping in for You

Sorry Kids, No Sleeping in for You

Any child will tell you, and most parents would agree, that you have to get up pretty early if you want to get to school on time. If the student was up late the night before doing homework, which since the average high schooler has about 3.5 hours of every weeknight, is a very common […]

Move Over or Slow Down

Move Over or Slow Down

Ask anyone, and they will tell you that driving on the freeway is not quite the same as driving on surface streets. On freeways, cars drive a lot faster and there is very little stop and go, unless of course there is a bit of traffic. Freeways are fast moving environments, and they are not […]

More Reckless Driving in Southern California

More Reckless Driving in Southern California

Reckless driving comes in many forms. Most people think of speeding and swerving through traffic, and they are not wrong. However, there are other dangerous forms of reckless driving, some of which are on the rise in Southern California. The culprits of these crimes may only be concerned with having a bit of fun, but […]