Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

Remember to Slow Down in School Zones

slow down in school zones

Every driver knows that speed limits can vary from place. After all, a person wouldn’t expect to be able to drive freeway speeds through a residential neighborhood. These differences exist for safety reasons. It wouldn’t be safe for the driver, or pedestrians to fly down a residential street at those speeds. By reducing speeds, a […]

People Don’t Want to See That in Public!

people dont want to see that in public

There are a lot of things out there that a majority of the population just don’t want to see. For most people, this list includes other people’s genitals. This is why most states, including California, have laws against a person exposing their private parts to others. This law is often referred to as indecent exposure. […]

Can You Get Arrested for Making a Phone Call?

Annoying phone calls

Cell phones have made communication very easy since their creation. Before, the only times when people could use phones were when they found one mounted to a wall. Nowadays, everyone walks around with a phone in their pockets. Staying in touch with loved ones has never been easier. Unfortunately, there is a drawback to this. […]

How Eggs Can Get a Person into Trouble

Consequences of Vandalism

Somewhere back in history, thousands of years ago, humans decided to start eating eggs. They have been enjoyed worldwide ever since. The food has become such a breakfast staple, that it can be found in pretty much every refrigerator in America. Due to this fact, most people have easy access to the little morsels. When […]

We Offer 0% Down for Qualified Clients

We Offer 0% Down for Qualified Clients

Often times, the hardest part about bailing someone out of jail is finding the money to do so. A loved one’s arrest usually comes without warning, which makes it hard to come up with the necessary funds. This puts people in the tough spot of wanting to bail their loved one out of jail as […]