Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

Expunging Vs. Sealing A Criminal Record

Having a criminal record can be haunting, especially for a person who is generally good and honest. We know that employers and banks are able to access arrest and conviction records during criminal background checks. Is it possible to have any information on a criminal record sealed, so that in the future, it won’t show […]

Believe It Or Not: The Most Expensive Bail In U.S. History

If you’re curious to learn just how expensive bail can be, check out some of these real cases where bail has been set among some of the most expensive in United States history, as well as being some of the most high-profile and media-covered cases: O.J. Simpson O.J. Simpson is most famously known as being […]

Fully Understanding the Statute of Limitations

A statute of limitations is the time frame in which a person or party can file a lawsuit against another person for being part of a crime. The time periods will vary depending on when the crime took place. The most heinous crimes like aggravated rape or murder have no statute of limitations. The clock […]

Understanding Background Checks

Whenever you apply for a job, a loan, a new home, or even a gun, you’re going to have to undergo a background check. You may not give this too much thought, especially if you have a clean record, but it’s still good to know what shows up on your background check . . . […]

The Cost of Keeping a Person in Jail

Can you guess how much it costs to keep a person in a California prison? $64,000. That’s $64,000 per person. Yes people! This cost covers housing, meals, and caring for the prisoner’s basic needs. Although California prison populations are slowly declining while still being overcrowded, the costs aren’t going down. In fact, they’re on the […]