Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

What Happens If I Cannot Pay for Bail?

Inglewood Bail Bond Store

If you are arrested and granted bail, it means you have the chance to be released from jail as long as you pay a certain amount of money. We are not going to lie, this bail is more than likely going to be very expensive. However, if you do not pay it, you will remain […]

What It Takes To Have a Fun Halloween

Huntington Park Bail Bond Store

On top of getting your Halloween costume in order, make sure you also plan transportation for the night if you are going out with friends and having some drinks. The last thing any of you want is to have the night end the wrong way. Before you get inebriated, set some ground rules for yourself […]

How Long Until I Can Put This Case To Rest?

Hollywood Bail Bond Store

When you have been keeping up with legal cases in the news, have you ever wondered why you are hearing about a trial finally starting for a crime that happened last year? Why did they have to wait this long to go to court? There are a number of factors that go into determining how […]

Cannot Decide If You Can Bail Your Loved One Out of Jail?

Glendale Bail Bond Store

Your loved one has been arrested and needs your help to meet bail. You have a lot of things to consider, so you question whether or not you should help your loved one out. Well, it should be no question, you should bail your loved one out. Wouldn’t he or she do the same for […]

How Can I Reduce My Bail?

Gardena Bail Bond Store

Simply put, there really is no way you can reduce your bail once the judge has declared it. You can ask that the judge to reconsider, but in all likelihood, that bail amount will remain the same. The judge had already taken these facts into consideration: The crime that was committed Whether or not you […]