Category Archives: Long Beach Bail Bonds

Do You Dream of Naptime Being Longer? These Daycare Workers Did and Got Into Serious Trouble.

Do You Dream of Naptime Being Longer? These Daycare Workers Did and Got Into Serious Trouble.

While any parent will tell you that having kids is truly amazing, they will also very likely tell you that having kids can be extremely tiresome. Children have a lot of energy and are constantly going, unlike us adults who ran out of energy years ago and still manage to plough on somehow. This difference […]

What’s Worse than a DUI? A DUI While Underage.

What’s Worse than a DUI? A DUI While Underage.

Most people recognize the fact that driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a bad idea. Unfortunately, there are still people out there who do not understand this concept, and many of them are underage. Young drivers are still learning how serious all of their actions behind the wheel of the car are. […]

Would You Get Behind the Wheel of a Vehicle While High? Well, California Teens Are

Would You Get Behind the Wheel of a Vehicle While High? Well, California Teens Are

Just about every driver out there knows about DUI’s and how they should never drive while intoxicated with alcohol. However, what many people fail to realize, is that there was a reason the term was switched from DWI, driving while intoxicated, to DUI, Driving under the influence. DUI is a broader term that covers driving […]

There is No Minimum Age to Get Married in California

Watts Bail Bond Store

Most people get married when they are adults and are more financially stable. However, there are some people who get married at a younger age, like when they are in college or in their mid-twenties. There are even people who choose to get married when they are in high school, or younger! As shocking as […]

If You Think Your Loved One Needs Help, Then Help

Vermont Square Bail Bond Store

Some of the hardest years of life are the teenage years, when a person has many influences surrounding them, both good and bad. This is a time when a person is trying to pass school and figure out what they want to do for a career. This is when they rebel, when they do not […]