Category Archives: Long Beach Bail Bonds

How California Bail Works

For defendants, there is a price for freedom and that price can be very low, a few hundred dollars, extremely high, one million dollars, or anywhere in between. Freedom is what America is all about, so who gets to put a price on freedom for defendants? And how is that amount determined for each person? […]

Want to Know If There Is a Warrant for Your Arrest?

The police often put out arrest warrants where the suspect may not immediately know they are wanted. Situations like these happen when, a person has many, many unpaid traffic tickets, or they defaced a national park tree or rock by carving into it because many people tend to forget this is illegal. People not knowing […]

Surprise! A Birthday Celebration After Bailing Out of Jail

If you really want to wow and surprise someone who is important to you for their birthday, and if you are financially stable enough to do so, you should give them the ultimate gift of a unified family. How do you do that? Bail the “troublemaker” of the family out of jail! The birthday is […]

New California Smoking Laws You Should Know About

It is no secret that cigarette smoking is increasing among teens; not everyone obeys age limit laws. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration are constantly implementing new rules for smokers and the most recent ones focus on manufacturing, labeling and marketing, and not selling to those who are 20 or younger. The new rules apply […]

How To Spend Summer In Jail

Spending time in jail is totally on your to-do list this summer, isn’t it? You can’t wait for your moment. Everything is so unexpected that it excites you and makes you nervous. Looking for the best, most memorable road to jail? Keep on reading! Drinking and Driving We all like to think we’re pretty invincible […]