Category Archives: Bail Bonds in LA

Community Service in Criminal Cases

why is community service important

Many people find that they have to complete a specific number of hours of community service as a part of their sentence. Some people love this because the community service can reduce fines and jail time. Others hate having to do so much work without getting paid. Judges have the right to make community service […]

Public Intoxication Laws in California

public intoxication laws

Everyone knows that if you get behind the wheel and drive your car after you’ve had too much to drink that you’ll be arrested and have to deal with some serious legal consequences. What you might not know is that alcohol can get you into trouble even if you don’t plan on driving. If you’re […]

The Ins and Outs of Brake Checking in California

brake checking in california

It has happened to all of us. You’re driving along at what you think is a perfectly acceptable speed when you notice a car behind you. Under most circumstances, the other car wouldn’t bother you, but this driver has decided you’re not going fast enough so they proceed to get as close to your bumper […]

The Reality of Prop. 25

california proposition 25

The November third election is a big one for California voters. Not only do they have to decide which candidate they want in the Oval Office, they also must decide if they want to vote for or against, Proposal 25. What is Proposal 25 The goal of Prop 25 is to end the current cash […]