Category Archives: Bail Bonds in LA

Graduation Parties and Underage Drinking


Finally! It’s graduation season. For many students and parents, this is a day they’ve been waiting for their entire lives. They’re finally putting high school behind themselves once and for all and allowing themselves to focus on the future. If you’re a graduating senior or someone who just likes to hang out with a group […]

Consequences of Making Annoying Phone Calls in California


To you making an annoying phone call might not seem like a big deal. In fact, it’s something many of us did when we were bored teenagers. If you did, hopefully, you outgrew the prank because in this day and age, making an annoying phone call in California is a misdemeanor. That’s right! Each time […]

Consequences Of Aggravated Trespass in California


Most people don’t know that there’s such a thing as aggravated trespass in California until they see it’s one of the criminal charges they’re facing. Aggravated felony trespass is addressed in Penal Code 601 PC. The fact that you’re facing an aggravated trespass charge indicates the police have gathered evidence that suggests you threatened to […]

Social Media and Your Mental Health

Social Media And Your Mental Health

Social media is a bit of a double-edged sword. For some people, it’s a great resource that allows them to stay connected to loved ones while also breaking up the tedium of a day. Others find social media stressful and even claim that it’s causing mental health problems. The positive side of social media is: […]

Understanding Your Responsibility as a Bail Cosigner

Understanding Your Responsibility as a Bail Cosigner

Co-signing a bail bond is a huge responsibility and liability. You’re essentially assuming the consequences if the defendant does not make his or her payments, skips court, or possibly violate other terms of release that are dependent on the bail bond. We know you desperately just want to co-sign the bail bond because you’re sympathetic […]