Category Archives: Bail Bonds in LA

Vaping Laws in California


These days you are almost more likely to see someone vaping than to spot a traditional cigarette smoker. Many of the younger generation have turned to vapes and e-cigs as opposed to traditional cigarettes. There are a few concrete reasons why vaping continues to become a more popular alternative. There is less odor connected to […]

Proposition 57


Traditionally, whenever a law/proposition is proposed that involves crime, it’s a move to actually create stricter laws/penalties. This is especially true when it comes to violent crimes and repeat offenders. In many cases, when you research the reasoning behind the proposal, you’ll discover that crime rates have been steadily increasing and the voting population is […]

The Purpose of Proposition 47


The purpose of Proposition 47 is to make some changes to felony sentencing laws. Proposition 47 officially became law in 2014. At the time it had the distinction of being one of the biggest changes to laws to alter the ability for convicted felons to receive housing, admittance into the workforce, and other issues that […]

Riding Your Bicycle While Intoxicated in California


One of the issues people run into when they go out for a night of drinking is that while they take steps to make sure they don’t drive while drunk, they fail to realize that there are other things they can get into trouble for while intoxicated. A perfect example of this is someone who […]

5 Things You Can Do to Save Gas While Driving


Gas prices have hit historical highs and it doesn’t seem like we’re going to get much relief this summer. While there isn’t anything you can do that will lower the cost per gallon, you can alter your driving habits so that you get the maximum amount of mileage from each gallon you put into your […]