Category Archives: Bail Bonds in LA

Why Do We Celebrate Labor Day?

LA Bail Bond Store

Many people view Labor Day as one of the final summer barbeque holidays. It provides a relaxing three day weekend for everyone and lets people have a lot of fun. Unfortunately, this all means that the reason behind the actual holiday is often left forgotten. In fact, not many people could even tell you why […]

Amber Alerts

Local LA Bail Bonds Agents

If you own a cell phone then it’s likely that you’ve heard the buzzer-like noise that blasts from the speakers at any given time of the day. Depending on the time of day or what you are in the middle of, you may or may not be slightly irritated at the unannounced noise. However, this […]

What Is the Best Meal of the Day?

What Is the Best Meal of the Day?

As summer comes to a close, kids are bracing for their inevitable return to school. Their days of sleeping in and relaxing will be over. In their place will be stress-filled, drowsy mornings that lead to long lectures. In the chaos of getting ready in the morning, it can be easy to forget what is […]

Beat the Heat, Save Some Cash

Beat the Heat, Save Some Cash

If you’ve been living in California for any amount of time then it should come as no surprise that it was ranked as the third most expensive place to live in the United States, this according to a 2017 article published by CNBC. While California may be known as the Golden State, that doesn’t mean […]

If You Have Plans of Going Fishing, Be Aware of the Laws

If You Have Plans of Going Fishing, Be Aware of the Laws

If you’re an outdoorsy kind of person you’re, probably itching to go outside right now. You’ve been waiting for the weather to be perfect and with the approach of summer, it’s finally happening. You’re ready to grab your camping equipment, fishing gear, and food for a picnic or two. This is the opportunity to breathe […]