Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Inglewood

5 Things You Can Do to Save Gas While Driving


Gas prices have hit historical highs and it doesn’t seem like we’re going to get much relief this summer. While there isn’t anything you can do that will lower the cost per gallon, you can alter your driving habits so that you get the maximum amount of mileage from each gallon you put into your […]

Most Dangerous Cities in California 2022


Like most parts of the world, California has some places that are great areas to raise a family. These areas have good schools, solid sources of income, and a low crime rate. The flip side of the coin is that there are also some extremely sketchy parts of California. A quick look at these crime […]

Penalties for Illegal Street Racing in California


Yes, the Fast and the Furious movie franchise made street racing look like a great way of generating some excitement on a Friday night, but before you gather a group of your friend together to see who can drive the fastest, you should know that street racing, drag racing, and other vehicular speed contests aren’t […]

Consequences of Making Annoying Phone Calls in California


To you making an annoying phone call might not seem like a big deal. In fact, it’s something many of us did when we were bored teenagers. If you did, hopefully, you outgrew the prank because in this day and age, making an annoying phone call in California is a misdemeanor. That’s right! Each time […]

Make Sure you Choose a Reputable Bail Bonds Agency


When you learn that one of your loved ones has been arrested and needs you to help them secure a California bail bond, the kneejerk reaction is to call the first bail bonds agency you see and sign a contract. Granted, there is a chance that this could work out in your favor and you […]