Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Inglewood

Is It Illegal to Smoke in a Car with Children Present?

Smoking in front of children

Pretty much everyone is aware of the fact that smoking is bad. It can be incredibly damaging to the human body, which is why it causes around 480,000 deaths each year in the United States alone. This is about 1 out of every 5 deaths in the country. This is also more deaths than the […]

Could Cellphones Be Banned in California Schools?

texting during school hours

Things have changed a lot since most adults were in school. A popular question in math classes used to be if a student could use a calculator on their test. The teachers would usually say no, along with a comment about needing to know how to do the math on their own because: “You won’t […]

What Happens to Parents Wrongfully Accused of Child Abuse?

child abuse

Raising kids is not easy. It takes a lot of patience and hard work. Children can be unruly as they grow. They test boundaries and like to see what they can get away with. This can lead to standoffs between child and parent, which is a difficult encounter depending on the age of child. Arguing […]

Are Dog Owners Responsible if Their Dog Bites Someone?

California dog laws

Dog owners often realize that owning a dog is not easy. These furry companions require a lot of work and attention to keep them out of trouble. Many dogs, if left to their own devises, have a tendency to get themselves into bad situations, whether they meant to or not. That is why owners need […]

Don’t Get a DUI on Saint Patrick’s Day

Consequences of drinking and driving

Saint Patrick’s Day is almost here, and people all over the country are making plans to go out and party. This green holiday is one of the biggest of the year when it comes to drinking. For the most part that isn’t much of a problem. However, there are some people out there who make […]