Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Hollywood

California To Raise Legal Smoking Age from 18 to 21

In quite the bold move, California lawmakers just recently voted to change the minimum age for smoking from 18 to 21. California is only the second state in the United States to move forward with this change; Hawaii has changed as well. California is the most populous state in America and such a substantial change […]

The Big Differences Between Seventeen Year Olds And Eighteen Year Olds

When you’re fifteen and sixteen years old, and you get into trouble with the police, your parents are the ones who have to take responsibility for your actions and end up suffering the consequences for those actions like paying fines. Your allowance may be suspended for a while, but your parents are the ones who […]

Admitting You’ve Been Arrested

Admitting to something so serious like getting arrested can be very hard to do but once you get it over with, you’ll find your uphill climb to be much easier. No matter what the crime you committed was, you always know there are certain people you can talk to openly. This revelation to them likely […]

How Much Time Do I Have To Post Bail?

You may post bail at any time; after your bail hearing – as long as the judge has granted bail, of course. The time it will take to pay off a bail bond will depend on the route you choose to bail out of jail. If you wish to pay your bail money directly with […]

Pay For Your Bail Bond, Not Strained Relationships

Getting arrested can be viewed as a selfish thing to do. How many people are affected by one person’s arrest? Countless friends and family members, coworkers and peers, and even tax-payers feel the effects of someone’s arrest. Sure the one person who is arrested faces the scariest consequences and the toughest recovery period. But it’s […]