Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Hollywood

Do Not Be Afraid To Ask Your Parents for Help

Turning 18 is a big deal because you officially become an adult. That means you can buy lotto tickets and cigarettes and you do not have to listen to all your parents’ orders. However, turning 18 and making your own decisions means you, not your parents, are responsible for your actions now and you are […]

It Is the 21st Century and You Can Technically Still Be Arrested for This

What century are we in? That is certainly a question to ask, especially after you read about these odd, and yet quite entertaining, laws in California and America. In California It is illegal to serve alcohol to a gay person. Considering California is one of the more progressive and democratic states, it is time for […]

What Is a Search Warrant, and When Is It Needed

If the police, while investigating a criminal matter, need to look through your property and belongings, they will often need a search warrant, unless you freely grant them permission to search. To get a search warrant, they will approach a judge and explain why a search warrant is necessary, e.g., reasonable suspicion that you have […]

Bail Is Not Tax Deductible, but Van Nuys Bail Bond Store Considers Your Finances

Although tax season just ended, and taxes are the last thing you want to think about right now, it is important for us to acknowledge that bail is not tax deductible. It is something we must answer because many people ask this question. People are arrested right and left and with such a large amount […]

You’re Not Invincible; You Can Go To Jail!

You’re young and you might like to have a lot of fun. You might like to party, drink, hang out with friends, stay out late, and act as if you are invincible. Many people just like you find themselves arrested and thrown in jail for offenses related to alcohol and partying. Often they’re fairly minor […]