Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Hollywood

Our Favorite, Wacky Laws in America

Bored at work and want some fun? Try some light reading to educate yourself with some tips for when you travel to different states across America. We have compiled some of America’s wackiest, most absurd laws that are still in effect today. They probably are not heavily enforced thanks to how ridiculous they are, but […]

Smoking One Day, Being Denied the Next: CA’s New Smoking Laws

As teens, we looked forward to turning 16 because it is sweet, 18 because we become adults and can vote and purchase cigarettes, and 21 because we can drink. However, with a new law just about ready to make its rule known, there will be some change here, with one less thing to look forward […]

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Answering Contact Sports

The NBA Finals are here and things are getting intense and even personal among fans. This beloved game gets fans anxious and excited, but they can easily get riled too. Basketball is quite the contact sport these days, but the contact should only remain among the players and never the fans. We are all too […]

What It Takes to Be a Bail Bond Co-signer

Should you ever agree to co-sign someone’s bail bond, you must take your role very seriously. Being a bail bond co-signer, even for someone very close to you, puts you at risk of losing money and/ or belongings you put up as collateral. You essentially must stay on top of them and see that they […]

Major Bail Bond Benefits You May Not Know About

Being in jail is simply sitting around all day doing and nothing, having a few just-okay meals, and being allowed outside, maybe, for a few hours. Other than that, there is not much to it, pretty boring and miserable. As silly as it sounds, being in jail is actually hard work. If they want to […]