Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Hollywood

Prepping for The 4th of July

Prepping for your 4th of July should take more effort than you think. You have already planned who you are hanging out with, where you will be, and what you are grubbing on, but do not forget about: Planning transportation – Do not drink and drive. Use Uber, Lyft, or designate a sober driver. Remember […]

Barbecue Safety Tips

Everyone loves a good barbecue party, and no one likes disastrous aftermath. To avoid the latter from happening, please review the most current barbecuing codes and laws for your area. Codes and laws may differ from city-to-city, or county-to-county. Here are some things you might want to consider: Are you allowed to barbecue on your […]

What to Know About Bail Bond Co-signing

Being a bail bond co-signer requires a lot of responsibility, but even more trust. Many bail bonds require a co-signer. So, what does this job entail? Here are our answers to the most common bail bond cosigner-related questions we receive. Question: Who can be a co-signer? Answer: Anyone who the defendant can get to be […]

What Kind Of Collateral May Possibly I Pledge?

Getting a bail bond requires a few items: Premium – 10% of the bail amount A co-signer Collateral The defendant’s loyalty to show up for court Perhaps the one we get the most questions for, would be collateral. What can be used as collateral? Collateral will fall into one of the four following categories: Real […]

Hollywood Bail Bond Store Will Take Care of You

When researching different bail bond companies who can potentially provide you with the best bail bond support you need, you will notice that many companies share similar qualities and services, but also drastically different ones too. It is incredibly important to pay attention to these qualities, and former client testimonials, as it could be the […]