Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Hollywood

Drive High, Get a DUI

Drive High, Get a DUI

2018 is bringing a lot of new changes to California laws. One of the biggest is that licensed dispensaries will be able to sell marijuana to anyone who is over the age of 21. This new law will make it easier for individuals to get ahold of marijuana, which will likely lead to more people […]

Bail Doesn’t Have to Be a Big Deal

Bail Doesn’t Have to Be a Big Deal

Bailing a friend or family member out of jail is a big deal. However, most people do not know how to rescue their friend or family member from jail. After all, it is not like they needed to post someone’s bail before. Luckily, there are people who have knowledge about bail and are willing to […]

Motorcycle Laws

Motorcycle Laws

Each state has different laws in regards to a lot of things, but what you may not think about is the difference in motorcycle laws. California has a different set of laws pertaining to motorcycles than others states. If you’re thinking about getting your motorcycle license (M1), you may want to look at all the […]

You Might Have Questions about Bail

You Might Have Questions about Bail

When it comes to bail and bail bonds, people tend to have a lot of questions. For most people, bail is something they’ve never needed to deal with before. It’s also something that they never thought they would need to deal with. It is only natural that they have questions about the process of bailing […]

New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

It is that time of year where people begin to form a list of promises they want to make to themselves. New Year’s Resolutions are positive and uplifting to some, while they are a joke to others. According, Newswire, the top ten New Year’s Resolutions are: Stay fit and healthy Lose weight Enjoy life […]