Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Hollywood

Los Angeles,CA Bail Bond Store – The Different Categories Of Crime

Crimes are categorized into infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. Infractions are harmless crimes like traffic tickets, littering, and graffiti. Offenders must pay fines or perform community service for violations. Misdemeanors are crimes like theft and some physical assaults and offenders are generally punished with a fine, community service, or up to a year in jail. Felonies […]

Why Long Beach,CA Bail Helps With Jail Population Control

America does not have the room or funds to keep every arrested person in jail. That’s very unfortunate to think about – we have THAT many criminals? It is also not fair to those who are truly innocent of a crime to be kept in custody. Remember “innocent until proven guilty?” To try and regulate […]

Dos And Don’ts When You Are Arrested

You probably would know that it is best to have a lawyer when you are arrested. And if you know that, then you probably know not to speak to anyone else other than your lawyer about your case. There are many more wise dos and don’ts when it comes to an arrest that can greatly […]

What To Expect With Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Bail Bond Store

How many bail bond companies do you know that serves the entire state of California with over 165 licensed and experienced agents? Los Angeles Bail Bond Store is an impressive company with outstanding customer satisfaction rates and testimonials. Unlike other bail companies, we won’t turn you away for being too far from our offices. In […]

Let’s Try To Clear Some Misconceptions About Jail

We all know jail is not a place you want to be, but what you know about jail may not be the truth. There are so many common misconceptions about jail. For one, jail is different than prison in that jail houses the recently arrested, those awaiting trial, and those serving short sentences. But, if […]