Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Hollywood

Conserving Electricity This Summer


Since May, various people have expressed concern that the power grid won’t be able to provide enough electricity to meet everyone’s needs. According to a May 6, 2022 article that was posted by CBS Sacramento, the California Independent System Operator (Cal ISO) was already seriously concerned about whether supply would meet demand. At the time, […]

What Happens if You Ignore a Subpoena in California?


One of the mistakes some people make when they witness a crime is assuming that since they weren’t actively involved in the crime, they don’t have to be involved in the investigation or trial. This attitude causes some people to ignore a court subpoena. If you’ve been issued a subpoena, you should know that ignoring […]

Consequences of Making Annoying Phone Calls in California


To you making an annoying phone call might not seem like a big deal. In fact, it’s something many of us did when we were bored teenagers. If you did, hopefully, you outgrew the prank because in this day and age, making an annoying phone call in California is a misdemeanor. That’s right! Each time […]

Consequences Of Aggravated Trespass in California


Most people don’t know that there’s such a thing as aggravated trespass in California until they see it’s one of the criminal charges they’re facing. Aggravated felony trespass is addressed in Penal Code 601 PC. The fact that you’re facing an aggravated trespass charge indicates the police have gathered evidence that suggests you threatened to […]

Does Rehab Reduce Your Sentence in California


No one wants to go to prison. As soon as someone is initially booked and arrested, they suddenly realize how massive an impact a guilty conviction will have on their future. They often start wondering what they can do to make themselves look good and potentially reduce their sentence. In drug and alcohol-related crimes, it’s […]