Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Hollywood

No One Wants to See a Building Burn Down, Especially There Own Home

Wildfire tips

Emergencies of all kinds can strike at anytime, anywhere in the world and come without warning. This is, after all, what makes them emergencies. This is also why it is so important for people to be prepared for all kinds of emergencies. By knowing how to react to any given situation, a person is much […]

Is It Illegal to Smoke in a Car with Children Present?

Smoking in front of children

Pretty much everyone is aware of the fact that smoking is bad. It can be incredibly damaging to the human body, which is why it causes around 480,000 deaths each year in the United States alone. This is about 1 out of every 5 deaths in the country. This is also more deaths than the […]

Bringing Newborns into the Office

Bringing newborns into the office

Being a parent is not an easy task. Children, especially babies, require a lot of attention and work. Any parent will tell you that taking care of a baby is a full time job. It is hard enough to deal with on its own, but then parents inevitably have to go back to work. This […]

Are Paper Receipts About to Be Banned in California?

ban on paper receipts

For a long time, California has been a leader in green policies across the nation. Laws that ban plastic bags and restrict plastic straw use have recently been enacted. The state and its lawmakers are always looking for ways to clean up the state, and the world. That is why one of the latest bills […]

San Francisco’s Fight against E-Cigs

vaping in california

Most people recognize the fact that smoking is bad for you. Repeatedly breathing in smoke can severely damage a person’s lungs and lead to numerous health problems later in life. In addition, nicotine, which can be found in all cigarettes, is extremely addictive. This leads to a person continuing to smoke, despite the obvious health […]