Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Hollywood

Hiking Safety Tips

Spring has barely arrived and already parts of California are starting to see warmer weather. As the temperatures begin to rise, more and more people begin to venture outside. Whether it is just to their yard, or to something more adventurous like a natural forest, the outdoors are calling people. One of the best ways […]

What Is a California Stop?

What is a california stop

There are lots of different rules that a driver has to follow while on the road. Failing to follow any of them can easily earn a person a ticket. Still, there are a ton of different laws, making it easy to forget one here and there. This is made even easier if most drivers forget, […]

What Are the Laws on Marijuana in California?

Marijuana laws

It seems like just yesterday that the usage of marijuana was illegal here in California. However, Californians voted to make marijuana usage legal in the state back in 2016, and the recreational use of marijuana became legal January 1st, 2018. This change allowed a whole lot of people to use marijuana without having to worry […]

What Are Mandatory Reporting Laws?

Mandatory reporting laws

Child abuse is a very serious offense that most people do not ignore. As soon as it is discovered that someone has hurt or abused a child, the authorities will be alerted. Then the accused person will be arrested and face criminal charges. More on that can be found here. Hurting a child is cruel […]