Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Hollywood

Fentanyl Crisis In California | What You Should Know


It seems like every few years, one drug falls out of favor, and another takes it’s place. In the past, serious concerns have been raised about LSD, heroin, cocaine, meth, and more. The current drug of concern is fentanyl. Technically speaking, fentanyl is a legal drug. It’s a synthetic opioid that’s used to treat pain. […]

Employment Scams You Need to Be Aware Of


Everyone talks about phone scams, dating scams, and internet scams. Somehow, employment scams slide under the radar. Employment scams are interesting because few people see them coming. What’s the Point of an Employment Scam There are three main reasons that employment scams exist. Making Fast Money Some people will launch an employment scam because they […]

How to Handle a Public Intoxication Charge

los angeles bail bonds

Most people assume that as long as they don’t drive after they’ve been drinking, they have nothing to worry about. What they don’t realize is that in California, you can be charged with public intoxication. While it’s perfectly okay to drink in California, while you’re in public, you’re not allowed to drink to a massive […]

Proposition 57


Traditionally, whenever a law/proposition is proposed that involves crime, it’s a move to actually create stricter laws/penalties. This is especially true when it comes to violent crimes and repeat offenders. In many cases, when you research the reasoning behind the proposal, you’ll discover that crime rates have been steadily increasing and the voting population is […]

The Purpose of Proposition 47


The purpose of Proposition 47 is to make some changes to felony sentencing laws. Proposition 47 officially became law in 2014. At the time it had the distinction of being one of the biggest changes to laws to alter the ability for convicted felons to receive housing, admittance into the workforce, and other issues that […]