Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Encino

Cell Phone Use While Driving Is Dangerous

Cell Phone Use While Driving Is Dangerous

Even with all of the PSA’s out there, there are still some drivers who think it is okay to talk on their cell phone while driving. It is still a common enough practice that you can see at least once a day. However, driving while talking on a cell phone without a hands-free device is […]

Protect Yourself When Online Shopping

Los Angeles Bail Bonds Near me

When was the last time you bought something from a brick and mortar store? When was the last time you bought something from a website online? One of the many conveniences of the 21st century is the ability to shop and buy products from the comforts of your living room. You can quickly and easily […]

Prevent Bullies

Dealing with Bullying Starts with Ourselves

New year, same problem. It’s the start of a new school year, which means new classrooms and new friends. For some, it also means facing new bullies. Let’s join the nation and take a stand against bullying one child at a time. What better child to start with than your own? The new school year […]

Do You Happen To Know Your Rights?

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Inmates are people too. Regardless of the crime committed or the time left to serve on their sentence, inmates are human beings that deserve to be treated as such. Across the nation, inmates are granted basic human rights that are protected by the U.S. Constitution. Whether you are facing prosecution or you have a family […]

Did You Know This about Carpool Lanes?

Did You Know This about Carpool Lanes?

If you have ever driven on a California freeway, you’ve probably seen a carpool lane before. More recently, they have been renamed to HOV lanes, which stands for High Occupancy Vehicle Lane. These are lanes that are only accessible by vehicles that have more than one occupant in the vehicle. The idea is that by […]