Category Archives: Bail Bonds in El Monte

What Is Price Gouging?

What is price gouging

Anyone who knows about economics and the concept supply and demand knows that as demand goes up and supply struggles to keep up, prices can rise too. The more people want something, and the less of it there is, the more expensive that item becomes. This is something that a lot of people are experiencing […]

Is That Baby Photo Going to Get You Into Trouble?

That photo can get you in trouble

All parents, especially first-time parents, love to take photos of their babies. They don’t care how many photos they have of their child, they want more. On top of that, they don’t want to just hoard the photos for themselves, they want to share them with all of their friends and family members. Thanks to […]

Is Prop 47 Helping or Hurting California?

california proposition 47

All the way back in 2014, California voters chose to enact Proposition 47. Prop 47 was billed as a way of making the punishment aspect of law and punishment fairer for many nonviolent offenses. With the passing of this proposition, certain crimes were reduced from felonies to misdemeanors. By doing this, politicians hoped to reduce […]

Could California Traffic Tickets Be Getting Cheaper?

los angeles bail bond store traffic tickets

Every driver knows that whenever they drive over the posted speed limit of a road, they risk getting a speeding ticket. This is just one of several different types of traffic citations that a person could receive for doing something they shouldn’t while driving. While the fines on these tickets may start out small, they […]

Are You Prepared for a California Earthquake?

los angeles bail bond store earthquake preparedness tips

As Puerto Rico is rocked by large earthquakes, many people are being reminded of the dangers of earthquakes. Being wary and prepared for earthquakes is very important for anyone who lives in an earthquake prone area, such as California. With the rarity of earthquakes, it can be easy to forget about them altogether. Then one […]