Category Archives: Bail Bonds in El Monte

What Most People Are Arrested for in California


There are many different crimes a person can be charged with. Interestingly, there are some charges that no one ever seems to be charged with and other charges that the California courts handle every single day. Here are the crimes that most people are arrested for. Drug Related Charges You could face many different types […]

How to Handle a Public Intoxication Charge

los angeles bail bonds

Most people assume that as long as they don’t drive after they’ve been drinking, they have nothing to worry about. What they don’t realize is that in California, you can be charged with public intoxication. While it’s perfectly okay to drink in California, while you’re in public, you’re not allowed to drink to a massive […]

4 Things Police Look for When Searching for Drunk Drivers


Most of us have been there at least once in our lives. Even though we were perfectly sober at the time, the police pulled us over for a seemingly silly reason. The reason the police do this is that they have been trained to recognize these relatively minor driving issues as signs that the driver […]

How to Confirm that Candy is Safe After a Fun Night of Trick-or-Treating


It’s easy to understand why parents are fearful. Kids are going door to door and stocking up. Some of the kids will often eat their bounty as they walk from one home to the next. All the kids know is that they are getting a rare, sugary treat. The idea that it could be dangerous […]

Riding Your Bicycle While Intoxicated in California


One of the issues people run into when they go out for a night of drinking is that while they take steps to make sure they don’t drive while drunk, they fail to realize that there are other things they can get into trouble for while intoxicated. A perfect example of this is someone who […]