Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Echo Park

Uber Is Cheaper than a DUI

uber is cheaper than a dui

In this day and age, there really is no reason for anyone to ever drive drunk. Advancements in technology, primarily the smart phone, have made finding a ride home easy and affordable. Apps like Uber and Lyft allow a person to hire a ride at any time, just about anywhere. Despite this fact, some people […]

Remember to Lock up Each Night

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Most people work hard every week day. They wake up, face all kinds of traffic, work for eight hours, face more traffic, and head home. Doing this day after day provides a person with the money they need to afford their home, car, groceries, and other bills. If a person didn’t put in all of […]

Dealing with Bullying and the New School Year

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The start of a new school comes with all sorts of new challenges for students. Most of them are academic in nature, but a few come from the other students. Often times this comes in the form of trying to get situated in the new status quo of the year and making new friends. Unfortunately, […]

Beware of Extreme Heat This Summer

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NSummer is in full swing here in California, and many parts of the state are feeling the heat. While for some this is a nice change of pace from the cold of winter, for others this is just another extreme to be dealt with. Just like the cold, the heat can become harmful and even […]

Another Internet Trend that Isn’t Worth It

Sun tan los angeles bail bond store

In the modern world, the internet is constantly coming up with new trends. Some are harmless, some, like the ice bucket challenge, help promote a good cause, and then others are just dumb and dangerous. Some examples of these dumb internet challenges include: The Tide Pod Challenge, which involved eating a Tide laundry detergent packet. […]