Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Echo Park

Leaving Pets in Hot Cars in California


Dogs love their owners and want to be with them all the time. In an attempt to keep our dogs happy, many of us take them with us when we run errands. On cold days, this isn’t an issue, but now that we’re on the cusp of summer, it will be a while before Californians […]

Can You Get Into Trouble for Using a Computer That Doesn’t Belong to You?


We’ve all done it from time to time. Grabbed a friend or family member’s laptop to check our email or update our social media accounts. Most of us ask for permission first. But what if you don’t ask for permission? What happens if you simply boot up someone else’s computer and start using it. While […]

Failing to Properly Register Your Vehicle


To legally operate a car in the State of California, you need a few things. You need a valid driver’s license, you need to have the car properly insured, and the vehicle’s state registration needs to be complete. Both the insurance and registration can be expensive, especially when money is already tight. While most motorists […]

Most Common Crimes in California


The most common crimes in California vary from one county to the next. The stats can also change a great deal. Still, there are some crimes that are more prevalent than others. Drug Related Crimes One of the interesting things about drug-related crimes in California is that the legalization of marijuana has reduced the number […]

Laws Every Californian Should Know About


If you call California home, there are a few laws you should familiarize yourself with. DUI Threshold Laws Everyone knows that getting arrested for DUI is a serious, life-altering problem. The problem is that few people know what when they have crossed over the threshold from legally able to drive and become too drunk to […]