Category Archives: Bail Bonds in East Los Angeles

The Most Common Crimes That Occur During the Holidays


Most of us associate the holidays with happiness, family, and love. While many of us focus on the good things during the holiday season, police departments throughout the United States will quickly tell you that crime doesn’t stop during the holidays. What members of law enforcement have noticed is that certain types of crimes seem […]

Is a Public Defender the Right Choice for You?

Bail Bonds

One of the great things about the way our justice system is set up is that everyone is entitled to legal representation. That means that no matter what your financial situation is, you don’t have to worry about navigating the criminal charges that have been filed against you by yourself. If you can afford a […]

What to Do When You’ve Been Involved in a Car Accident

Do I Have to Report a Traffic Accident?

Car accidents happen, and even when you do everything in your power to drive defensively and avoid a collision, there could be a time when despite your best efforts you find yourself involved in an accident which is why now is the best time to learn the proper way to respond. Secure Your Car The […]

Selling a Used Car in California


At some point in our lives, most of us have been in a position of either buying a second-hand car or selling one. If you currently have a secondhand car that you’re getting ready to sell, you should know that California does have some laws that could impact the sale. It is in your best […]

What to Do If You’ve Been Accused of an Internet Crime


In 2018, the Cyber Security Breaches Survey revealed the shocking news that approximately 43% of all businesses fell for some sort of internet crime. The costs associated with these crimes really added up. It’s estimated that in California alone, businesses collectively lost more than $214 million to internet crimes. And businesses aren’t the only ones […]