Category Archives: Bail Bonds in East Los Angeles

Could Banning Facial Recognition Become the New Norm?

what is facial recognition

Today’s modern world has a lot of technology that a one point had simply been considered science fiction. Things such as earbuds, video calls, and mobile phones were just cool, out of this world ideas when they were first depicted in books and movies. Nowadays, they are a part of everyday life for most individuals. […]

Cell Phones Aren’t Just Dangerous Behind the Wheel

walking and texting

Cellphones have gradually grown to be a major part of just about everyone’s daily lives. Most people keep a phone with them 24/7. This ensures that they will always be able to get in touch with friends and family members whenever they need to. The smart little device also has the ability to grant people […]

Be Careful Meeting People from the Internet in Real Life

What are my rights as a landlord

Over the last few years, the internet has become an almost integral part of people’s everyday lives. Most people can’t go a day without going online for one reason or another. The internet has allowed people to do a whole lot without ever leaving their homes, such as shopping or communicating with people. As detached […]

People Do What Before Getting Into Public Pools?

swimming pool cleaning tips

With the weather quickly heating up, many people are starting to pull their swimsuits out from their winter hiding spots. With California’s thousands of miles of coastline, there are plenty of places to go to the beach. However, the beach isn’t for everyone. Some people prefer to cool off without having to worry about sand […]

Parents, Don’t Serve Alcohol at Graduation Parties

graduation party

As summer draws nearer, students of all ages grow more and more antsy. Soon enough, school will let out for the most marvelous break of all, summer vacation. While all students look forward to the end of this school year, one group is more excited than all of the others. This group is, of course, […]