Category Archives: Bail Bonds in East Los Angeles

Distracted Walking Laws

los angeles bail bond store distracted walking laws

Smart phones are pretty spectacular little devices. They allow their users to access all sorts of things whenever the person wants. While this has greatly increased the spread of knowledge and information, it has also created some problems. Using smart phones can be incredibly addicting, making it hard to put them down. Pretty much everyone […]

Parking in Front of a Fire Hydrant

los angeles bail bond store parking in front of a fire hydrant

Any driver that lives in a city knows the hassle of finding a decent parking spot. This gets incredibly difficult in highly populated areas, such as cities, or even at popular spots in rural areas. If there is someplace that a lot of people want to go to, it is safe to assume that parking […]

5 Commonly Ignored Driving Laws

los angeles bail bond store ignored driving laws

Anyone who has ever driven knows that there are a lot of laws to follow while on the road. With so many different things to pay attention to, it can be hard to follow all of the rules 100% of the time. This is especially true when people witness others breaking certain laws and figure […]

Halloween and DUI’s

los angeles bail bond store halloween and drunk driving

October is here and that means Halloween is only a few weeks away. For kids, this means getting ready for a massive candy score after trick-or-treating. Adults are often more concerned with what parties they will be attending that night. These can be a lot of fun, provided the person is responsible with their actions. […]

Halloween Safety Tips

los angeles bail bond store halloween safety tips

October is here, and all anyone can think about is the holiday of Halloween at the end of the month. Kids love getting dressed in fun costumes and trick-or-treating for bags full of candy. Meanwhile, adults enjoy dressing up as well, but they have parties to get to instead of wandering door to door hunting […]