Category Archives: Bail Bonds in East Los Angeles

You Can Count on Los Angeles Bail Bond Agents


At some point, you may need to hire a bail bondsman. As much as you don’t want to admit that you think your loved one going to get arrested someday, you know it’s very likely. So, you want to be as prepared as possible. A bail bondsman will issue a bail bond for your loved […]

What is a Domestic Violence Restraining Order in California?


California has different types of restraining orders. One version is the Domestic Violence Restraining Order. The DVRO can only be used in cases that involve two people who have shared an intimate relationship. It can be used in cases that include fiancées, spouses, couples who have been dating, siblings, parents, children, and grandparents. There are […]

How Misdemeanor Probation Works in California


It’s not at all unusual for a California judge to sentence a person to misdemeanor probation rather than actual jail time. This doesn’t mean that you’ve gotten away with anything. It simply means that the judge considers you a low-risk criminal offender and that it makes more sense for you to remain at home instead […]

Summertime Pet Safety Tips


Summer is just around the corner. Before you know it, we’ll be wearing our favorite shorts and tank top combinations, spending long days at the beach, and making ice cream cones a part of our daily life. Summertime is the time when we strive to make great memories. Most of us want to include our […]

What Is the Difference Between Assault and Battery in California


If you think that assault and battery are the same thing, you’re mistaken. In California, assault and battery are two different crimes. The reason so many think they are the same charge is that it’s not uncommon for a person to be simultaneously charged with both, which means they’re linked in police reports and media […]