Category Archives: Bail Bonds in East Los Angeles

The Legal Consequences of Public Fighting

Consequences of fighting in public

Street fighting, barroom brawls, and throwing a punch at a guy who steals your parking space. In the movies, these things never seem like a big deal. The worst thing that ever seems to happen to the characters who are involved in public fighting is that they spend a few hours in jail. Sadly, real-life […]

Staying Safe During California’s Wildfire Season

California wildfire season

Each year, California has wildfires that attract national and sometimes even international media attention. The various media channels like to talk about what might have caused the wildfire, how big it’s gotten, and how teams are desperately working to fight it, as someone who lives in California, you’re first priority is doing everything possible to […]

Can You Force Your Employees to Work During a Government Ordered Lockdown

working during a lockdown

Covid-19 has created some big legal questions that no one really considered prior to the pandemic hitting the United States in March. One of the questions both employers and employees are asking is if employees can be required to work during the government ordered lockdown. The answer isn’t as straight forward as most people might […]

Unwritten Camping Rules to Remember

Camping rules

Camping is wonderful. Camping provides you with the means to connect to the earth and nature while also bonding with family and friends. The best thing about camping is all the great memories you collect during each camping trip. The next time you’re about to hit the woods for an epic camping trip, keep these […]

Will the Police Cite me for Not Wearing a Face Mask?

bail bonds

Covid-19 has brought about many changes. One of the newest additions to our lives is the wearing of face masks while in public. Why are Face Masks Required in California The hope is that wearing masks will slow the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The idea is that the masks keep the droplets contained to […]