Category Archives: Bail Bonds in East Los Angeles

Should you Bail your Buddy Out of Jail

Should you bail your buddy out of jail

You love your best buddy and have no hesitation about going out of your way to help them whenever they ask, but getting asked to post bail is different from agreeing to help them move. When your best friend calls and asks you to help cover their bail, there are a few things you need […]

Will You Qualify for Bail?

los angeles bail bonds

Getting arrested is terrifying. It’s supposed to be. The goal is to make the process scary enough that you never want to go through it again. When most people are arrested, their biggest source of fear is that they simply don’t know what will happen. While they’ve heard of bail on television, they don’t understand […]

California DUIs in the New Year

dui laws

You should never get behind the wheel after you’ve been drinking. If you plan on drinking, you should plan on walking home or getting a ride from a sober driver. In the past, a DUI arrest could have a huge and negative impact on your life. It still will, but thanks to Assembly Bill 3234 […]

Elder Abuse in California

Elder abuse in california

Society dictates that we take care of our elders. The idea is that they cared for us when we were too young to fend for ourselves, and now it’s our turn to return the favor. The problem is that some people don’t behave the way that society dictates and commit a crime that’s called elder […]

Crimes of Passion

Crime of passion

There is something about the term “crime of passion” that causes many of us to think about romance and true love. The reality is that crimes of passion are not about showering a loved one with flowers and chocolate. Victims of crimes of passion will tell you that they are actually terrifying, life-altering acts that […]